AltME: Announce


To demo Red and 0MQ tomorrow for systems development and networking students, I enhanced the ventilator example for distributed supercomputing to allow the ventilator to send arbitrary Red code to the worker processes:
A Red expression can be passed on the command line. If the results from the worker processes are numbers, the sink process will total them up:
0MQ-ventilator "random 100"
I've updated my binary Red(/System) downloads for the latest 0MQ binding and examples, so that the interpreter consoles can run the examples from the source code:
As always, here's the guide to get all files with Fossil:
and here's the link to get a Zip package, where you have to wait two minutes for the server to create the package:

Endo, and all, I just put Saphirion's RebGUI fork to GitHub:
Robert, nice to have your REBOL3 version on GitHub.
I have 2 question:
1) is there an "History" text for fixes and improvements ?
2) Is REBOL3 curecore being updated in some way ?

1) We can extract this from our SVN log. The latest release on our web-site has a change log that's cleaned. And yes, I need to upload a new version and update it. I just don't find the time doing it.
2) The team might answer this better. IIRC Ladislav is quite active in maintaining CC.

I upgraded Try REBOL to Red 0.4.0:
I've updated my binary Red(/System) downloads for Red 0.4.0:
As always, here's the guide to get all files with Fossil:
and here's the link to get a Zip package, where you have to wait two minutes for the server to create the package:

More improvements to the 0MQ binding for Red and Red/System, to support binary messages, from our Respectech project.
Binary messages were already supported in the Red/System binding, of course, because Red string! messages are based on them, but now they can also be handled at the Red level when necessary. Red doesn't have a binary! type yet, so they are handled as the original 0MQ messages. Notwithstanding that, the life cycle management of a message is automated. RECEIVE creates a new message. The message can be consumed and cleaned up either by passing it to SEND to route it to another destination, or by using the new function message-to-string to handle the content yourself. To receive a string message immediately, instead of a binary message, you now need to use receive/string. The more efficient receive-string is also still available. Further, both Red and Red/System now have a function empty-message? that tests for a message of zero length. Empty messages are used by 0MQ as markers in multi-part messages. Binary messages can be combined with multi-part messages.

More improvements to the 0MQ binding for Red and Red/System, to support polling for incoming messages, from our Respectech project.
Polling was already possible, but not directly supported. There is now an interface for a simple form of polling for incoming messages, without blocking to wait for messages to arrive. RECEIVE has a new refinement receive/no-wait that returns immediately when no messages are available. In that case, it returns NONE. RECEIVE now returns FALSE on other errors. There is also a new refinement receive/into that takes the place of receive-string. Both Red and Red/System have a new function empty-socket? that can be used to test if receive/no-wait found no messages, but its use is probably only needed in Red/System. There's also a new function send-empty that creates and sends an empty message, as a marker.
The Red binding now also has an end-message function to manually clean up unused messages. These can result from receiving unexpected messages or message parts, for example with the new receive polling.
In Red, SEND NONE has the same effect as using send-empty.

I started converting some of my R2 tutorial materials for R3 Saphir. It's nowhere near done, but at this point should be enough to get absolute beginners using R3:
For anyone with some experience, the code examples at are a quicker way to get up to speed, without the extra prose.
I'll try to keep both documents updated together.

I added Nick's new R3 tutorial and Arnold's Red video tutorials to Try REBOL in the links section:

I just updated… to describe how to contribute new tests to the core-tests suite.
I've updated my binary Red downloads with the Red objects branch:
object!s are now implemented in the interpreter. You can try them with one of the */Red/red* interpreter consoles for your platform. The latest 0MQ enhancements are also in there. You can run the example programs in the interpreter:
As always, here's the guide to get all files with Fossil:
and here's the link to get a Zip package, where you have to wait two minutes for the server to create the package:

I upgraded Red on Try REBOL to the objects branch, so you can try objects there, too:

I've made numerous updates to
Thanks Nick. You've really created a helpful way to learn R3.

I have updated my latest script:
As of v.0.3.1 I have reached a good degree of compatibility but it is becoming increasingly difficult to add features and correct bugs, especially those regarding "bindological" problems. Please help me.

Last message posted 114 weeks ago.