AltME: Ann-Reply


Bo: very great news! I hope all the R3 efforts will converge all together.
Bo is a Linux executable, not a Windows .exe file. It should have never worked on Windows unless you're running an emulator. :-)
It should work on any libc6 Linux distro, so probably not BSD variants or some versions of Linux.
My build and test platform was an ODROID-W with a built-in 2.2" LCD screen, seen here:
As far as Win 10 on Raspberry Pi 2, I'm going to pass on that one as I'd much rather use Linux if I'm relegated to a CLI...

Nice work GEOMOL !


Arnold: It would be cool to see a little video of Xiangqi for those of us who are too busy to set it up and compile it. :-)
Congratulations Arnold
Thanks Kaj!
Would a compiled version be ok? Maybe I'll make a video.

Videos of "how to" make everyone happy.

That is how to rock, posted in Muzak, happy now ;-)

Thank you Nick. It is a bit long over an hour.
Will try to watch sometime Nick. Thanks for posting. All sounds good.
Thank you Nick, looks interesting.
NickA: WinXP! I'm not the only one still using it (on two computers)!
I also run:
- Win8 for my work office computer
- Win7 on one home media computer
- Android 4.4 on an ODROID running another home media computer
- Ubuntu 12.x on my laptop
- Ubuntu 14.x on an ODROID on my home file server, and
- Android 5.x on my phone. :-)
Bo: I reacted to seeing that in the same way. I'm also running XP on 2 computers. I run many other OSes, including Win7, in a VM on one of them.
Yep, I still keep the Win98 install files on a thumb drive 'just in case' - and every piece of software I need still runs on it :)
Arnold, as soon as I get time, I'll put up a much more terse written tutorial with some additional example apps.  I just felt like sharing this thing because it's been useful.  With about an hour of play time, posting a video was just simpler to complete.

Nick, I am just a bit  envious, wanting to make the small video of compiling my Xiangqi game, and finding out I have no time and place to make it., and here you come and do a video of over an hour :-)
Arnold, I use Screen O Matic, it only allows    5 minutes (free verison) but I sort of like being forced to sum up talks in under 5 minutes.  
What I often do is write a simple script of bullet points.  Wear a headset, and do a dry run.  It forces me to hear and see the timing.
Then I reset, prepare windows and data so I can jump right to things, and just keep doing it over and over until I make no mistakes.  I usually can present something that is 3 minutes long in about 5-7 takes.
So, one hour all said.

I made a "selfie helmet" so I can record videos hands free. But nobody wants to be seen wearing it.
That video was made with Debut video capture software:   If you try it, encode to mp4 and turn up the video bit rate.  Even with a 2048 bit rate, that whole video was 120megs.

Last message posted 112 weeks ago.