AltME: Rebol School


You can also do it with FORSKIP which will do the series advancement for you:
forskip series 8 [
    set [a b c d e f g h i ] series
... retaining the ability to read the series index ...
Yep. Now, you know how to use both FORALL and FORSKIP. The advantage of FORALL is that it lets you have full control over how to process the series. FORSKIP is more convenient when you need to process the series with fixed sized records.
In fact I will use Forskip as I am processing a DB like series.
Looks like the best option for your use case.
Simplest way to remove a block from a block of blocks?
a: [[A] [B] [C]]
== [[A] [B] [C]]
>> remove third a
== []
>> a
== [[A] [B] []]
...but I want the block removed too!
>> a: [[A] [B] [C]]
== [[A] [B] [C]]
>> third a
== [C]
(that is a hint)
>> head remove next next [[A] [B] [C]]
== [[A] [B]]
As Josh hinted, THIRD is returning the third element, which REMOVE then operates on. You'll want to use AT, or something, to remove the element. e.g.
>> a: [[A] [B] [C]]
== [[A] [B] [C]]
>> head remove at a 3
== [[A] [B]]
>> a: [[A] [B] [C]]
== [[A] [B] [C]]
>> head remove find/only a [c]
== [[A] [B]]
head remove find/only a [c]
this is exactly what I need....
"at" to me!
Thanks all!
remove find/only a [c]
seems to work too, without head...
Yes, as long as you don't need the result to be at the head.
>> a: [[A] [B] [C]]
== [[A] [B] [C]]
>> remove find/only a [c]
== []
I just included HEAD to make the result clear in this case.
I see...I would want that result with head...thanks

Hope there is someone here in the morning as I need quick help:
Hope there is someone here in the morning as I need quick help:
I have a variable:
mycode: "CODE1"
I need to check  if exist a series named CODE1
If it does not exist create a series called CODE1
append to CODE1 (taken from mycode) something.
Is this any help?
>> value? 'mycode
== false
>> mycode: []
== []
>> value? 'mycode
== true
Something like this, if I understood what you are trying to do properly:
>> if not value? to-word mycode [set to-word mycode [something]]
== [something]
>> CODE1
== [something]

Last message posted 187 weeks ago.