AltME: Rebol School


better to use
do reduce [to-set-word codice-temp 'copy []] or you will
always produce two copies
sorry I just have an non ergonomic keyboard
do reduce [to-set-word codice-temp 'copy []]
type?  get to-word codice-temp
Thanks, I am exploring dynamic table view creations with my small REBOL knowledge

a shorter solution is
set to-word codice-temp copy []

Is this method of providing "private" words in objects reliable?
>> a: make object! [ b: 1 set-b: func[v] [b: v] get-b: func[][b]]
>> o: make object! [set-b: get in a 'set-b get-b: get in a 'get-b]
>> unset 'a
>> o/get-b
== 1
>> o/set-b 2
== 2
>> o/get-b
== 2
in R3 yes.. in R2 its almost impossible since you can always get a function's body.
but I prefer this pattern:
>> o: get in context [
[     priv: 1
[     pub: context [ set-b: func[v] [priv: v] b: func[][get 'priv]]
[    ] 'pub
>> o/b
== 1
>> o/set-b 2
== 2
>> o/b
== 2
>> words-of o
== [set-b b]
actually, replace this line in the above:
pub: context [ set-b: func[v] [set 'priv v] b: func[][get 'priv]]

Can anyone explain  this:
>> a: 33 * 0.939393939393939
== 31.0
>> b: 31.0
== 31.0
>> to-integer a
== 30
>> to-integer b
== 31
in R3:
>> 33 * 0.939393939393939
== 30.999999999999986
R2 is hiding these details

Is there a way to preserve the modification date of a file when copying to a new destination using 'write'? As in:
        write/binary dest/:file read/binary source/:file
This produces a modification date of now().
        print modified? 29-Jun-2014/17:02:56-7:00
In the 'Write Function Summary' I do not see any Refinement to preserve the existing modification date. Is there a way to do this?
set-modes %afile [modification-date: 12-May-2004/0:00:00+10:00]
Yoi have to manually set the date  of the new file to the date of the old file
touch: func [
    {Set the modification timestamp of the file.}
    files [file! block!] "The file, or files, you want to stamp"
    /with "Use a specified time rather than the current time."
        time [date! file!] "The date and time to stamp them with"
    /local read-only?
    if not with [time: now]
    if file? time [time: modified? time]
    ; Do we want to do this?
    if 0:00 = time/zone [time/zone: now/zone]
    ; We have to turn off the read-only attribute if it's on.
    foreach item compose [(files)] [
        read-only?: not get-modes item 'owner-write
        ;print ['touching item 'with time]
        set-modes to-file item [owner-write: true modification-date: time]
        if read-only? [set-modes item [owner-write: false]]
    ; Should we return the time, even though it may not match the actual
    ; stamp on the files due to OS differences?

Thanks Gregg and sqlab. Exactly what I was looking for.

This works fine:
    print get-modes %/path-to-file/filename [modification-date]
But this:
    print get-modes [modification-date]
produces the following error:
    Script Error: get-modes expected target argument of type: file url block port
    ** Near: system/words/get-modes port/sub-port modes
Does get-modes work over an ftp connection?

Don't think you can do anything except delete, upload and download.
the rebol3 protocol might give you more things you can do.

Last message posted 187 weeks ago.