
I misunderstood your original aim.  
You are correct.  Works with a regular nested view, but not with a nested view/modal.
view is type gob!
but view/modal is type none
re-   but using decode 'GIF read url works
cool !  thanks !
GrahamC: the view/modal should work now...get the latest version either from github or use LOAD-GUI
regarding the GIF loading...this is a bug in LOAD...I suspect it parses the URL for the image suffix at the end only so:
;this is not recognized filetype
;but this will be recognized as GIF filetype
Someone needs to fix LOAD parser or even add file type signature recognition to LOAD...

This code doesn't call the draw dialect, and works.
Bck: make image! 500x500    
View/no-wait [image Bck]
    Draw Bck to-draw [
line-width 1 fixed
pen white
fill-pen blue
box 120x20 220x120
skew 15x15
fill-pen red
box 120x125 220x225
skew -15x-15
fill-pen yellow
box 120x230 220x330
    copy []
This code does call the draw dialect, and doesn't work, for some unknown reason.
ar: [
line-width 1 fixed
pen white
fill-pen blue
box 120x20 220x120
;skew 15x15
skew .15
fill-pen red
box 120x125 220x225
;skew -15x-15
skew -.15
fill-pen yellow
box 120x230 220x330
view/options [
    tight [
    drawing ar
] [
init-hint: 600x650

So I'm trying to figure a way to activate a break in a loop, to stop, from an exterior button press.  Seems a bit trivial but I'm not getting it.  Any suggestions?
The toggle suggests another approach I hadn't thought about.  Thanks.
However, it doesn't solve my original problem.
Here is some obvious pseudo-code that doesn't work.  Any ideas/
num: 3
view [
    when [enter] on-action [
        while [num = 3] [
        print num wait 1
    button on-action [ num: 2 ]
All action blocks in r3-gui are closures.  Set-words will access the local context  only.  But when searching for a the value of a word, the system/contexts/user is searched after a word is not found in the local context..  So, the enter action block accesses num from system/contexts/user but the button action block is setting a new local of num to 2.  
To fix the issue, change num: 2 to set 'num 2, or system/contexts/user/num: 2
Ie. when the closure is created, the action block searches for set-words and creates locals.  This is the same as what we used to call 'funct, and now 'function
system/contexts/user/num: 2  works.
I knew it was a closure problem, but I don't recall seeing this path in any docs.
Well, that's interesting.
enter   ? system/contexts/user     and it looks like a handle on most everything.

Carl had a habit of writing blogs instead of formal docs
@Cyphre, I have a suggestion on implementing externs in action blocks
change to:
extend-face last-face 'actors reduce either block? body/1 [
    extern: take body [act funct/extern/closure [face arg] body extern]
    [act funct/closure [face arg] body]
If one wanted it more literate, you could make it
on-action [ extern: [  list of external words ] rest of action block ]
What do you think?

Graham, you mean more like:
on-action [[  list of external words ] rest of action block ]
at least that's what the change does.
I'm ok with that change as it shouldn't break older actors code. It should be very rare to start actor with a block definiton.
Anyone else here who is against that change?
yoffset: regarding "his code does call the draw dialect, and doesn't work, for some unknown reason." - yes, that's a bug. The SKEW command arg syntax changed (form decimal! to pair!) in the late aplhas but the parser definition remained old in one place.
I uploaded the fix to github and also made new build so LOAD-GUI should give you correct behaviour as well.

Back in the old days on Rebol2/View, it was possible to do something like this:
    save/png %myimage.png to-image layout [box 100x100 green text "Hello World!" image %flower.jpg]
I just tried something like that on Rebol3/View, and I get:
    >> to-image layout [text "Test"]
    ** Script error: object! type is not allowed here
    ** Where: to to-image
    ** Near: to image! :value
Is there a different way of doing this?

Last message posted 266 weeks ago.