AltME: SO-chat


Here additional information about StackOverflow or SO Chat
Where to find it, how to create an account,
how to get full functionality (get by the 20 pts requirement).
SO offers the possibility to logon using other accounts from social media. It is also possible to create an account at StackExchange for joining SO. (This option is a little harder to find)
Arnold, if it's OK with you I'll mark this group as "web-public" for web publication.
To activily join the chat on SO a user needs 20 points.
To be able to add a new tag on SO, like 'Red' a user needs 1700 points.
(Group is web-public now!)

Looks like someone added the Red tag for you
Someone had brought Rebol to SO. That hint has been picked up fast!


SO how do I get 20 pts to talk on SO?
amacleod: if you're "fergus" on SO, you should have them by now. May take a while (up to an hour) to propagate from main SO to SO chat (sorry for that, nothing we can do about it), so hang tight!
Great Thanks! Had a great time this weekend. Hope to get more involved and help out in some way.
Was great meeting you Alan!

Agreed!  Thanks for showing me your firefighter study guide product you developed in Rebol.

Just want to say that it was amazing meeting everyone at ReCode. This is a great community with intelligent and interesting people. Everyone was welcoming and kind and I am very glad I made he trip. Thanks all!

Alan, it was great meeting you as well.  I hope more people than just myself got to see the incredible work you're doing with Rebol and educational materials!

I'm not sure where to get 20 points on SO.
Ask a REBOL related question. You're fellow SO chatters will see it for the REBOLbot posts the question on the chat channel. The question wil get thumbs up from all and that builds your 20 chatpoint in no time.
It will take somtime before SO has 'approved' the points. In a day you are chatting.
Unfortunately you already know everything about REBOL ;-)
Thanks Arnold - it looks like a couple of my reponses have gotten the necessary points :)
Responses can score plusses too. Personally I did nothing to help you score your points, but I can chat in the SO-chat too for the one question I asked there. It is the same good community, only some have a preference for the web.
I choose to stay here for the discussions are more subject related, not everything on one stack overflowing...

Last message posted 556 weeks ago.