AltME: Announce


Enjoy! ;-)

    OLEDB error handling improved
    rewrote append-column and added /dup refinement
    added merge/default refinement
    load-dsv parse logic fix to handle utf8
    Replaced to-sql-date with to-rebol-date and to-string-date
    rows? and first-line faster
    load-dsv/delimit renamed /with
    load-dsv/split now a separate split-dsv func
    added unarchive
    can update via conditon (e.g. [all [find c2 "@" c2: first parse c2 "@"]])
    munge now accepts vector!
    alphanums?, alphas? and digits? now also accept binary!
    digits? also checks for not empty
    replaced like with like and glob
    added write-excel/filter
    added spec? function
    sqlcmd now does a SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF
    added /string to load-excel
    added /hdr to load-excel
    added remove-column
    added to-string-time
    added binary-file?
    added spec?/as-is
    fixed obscure group bug with to-block
    handle presence of u160
    re-added formula support to write-excel, e.g.
        write-excel/filter %test.xlsx [
            "Test" ["Response" "Count" "Yes" 10 "No" 5 "" "=SUM(B2:B3)"] [20 10]
Updated documentation available here:

Enjoy reactive programming! ;-)

Red's github repo just passed 1000 stars bar, not a big deal compared to mainstream languages, but still significant enough to mention. This is the first time an open source project from Rebol's ecosystem reaches that level. This means that we are on the right track, and Red is gaining more momemtum with each new release. Hope this will motivate more people to help us continue pushing it higher and higher. ;-)
Congratulations Doc!
Approaching 300 members on the Gitter channel now too.
1000 stars is great! Hopefully half of them are ladies! 8-)


.............. just remmeber "killer app"
(and try to forget that I can't spell)


Under the 17LOC Spreadsheet section, there is this:
You can copy/paste the above code into the Red console for Windows, using the latest toolchain build (950 KB), or, better, using this prebuilt console version (247 KB).
The toolchain build gives a 404, and the prebuilt console won't launch on my Windows, for some reason. It just exits immediately after launching.
Oops - wrong group.

Happy to announce we are back up and running and making 3rd party apps again (more are coming)
This one is originally written in REBOL by Maxim, and Celeste has picked it up and is making tweaks and improving it now.
We plan to move it to Mac next.   I plan to log what this takes.
Later, I hope to move this over to RED, and then compare again.
(yeah yeah, I'm old, and like programming names in all caps)

I've moved my backup of DocBase from an unrelated repo in my personal account to a dedicated repo within the Revault group. I've been tidying it on an as-I-notice-things basis as I use it for reference. Let me know if you have any trouble using it.

For those who don't know, Pieter Hintjens, of ZeroMQ and Xitami fame, passed away last Tuesday.

Sad, I read his "protocol to die" a few weeks ago.

Last message posted 116 weeks ago.