AltME: Rebol School


Yea, I meant that my attempt was in Rebol2 ;)   Rebol3 took me half a minute
for the answer
Doesn't this an important bug in Rebol 2?
o: make object! [a: none]
same? o bound? in o 'a ;==false
Well, it is rather unexpected, but, as noted, this works:
    o: make object! [a: b: none]
    same? bound? in o 'a bound? in o 'b
It is a quirk rather than a bug.
But, certainly, it may be annoying and it is good that Rebol 3 works better.
I see, thanks for the explanations.
Thank you Ladislav.

Why there are (error) in trace:
>> f: does [if true [exit]]
>> trace on
>> f
Trace:  f (word)
Trace:  if (word)
Trace:  true (word)
Trace:  [exit] (block)
Trace:  exit (word)
Result: (error)   ;<---
Result: (error)   ;<---
Result: (unset)

I think that's an implementation detail. EXIT and RETURN are implemented in the exact same way as THROW or causing an error.
You can imagine EXIT as causing a special error. The function catches that special error. If no function catches it, it then gets to you as
>> exit
** Throw Error: Return or exit not in function
** Near: exit
Thanks for the reply.
Marco, actually, its very easy to build extensions in C for R3.  
In fact, in many cases, its easier to build an extension in C for R3 than trying to wrap one in R2.  simply because many of the dll types do not match R2 at all.  also many of the systems now have 64 bit types which is very awkward to manage in R2.
if you use the starter project that Carl had done, showing how to manipulate Rebol series you should be able to make stubs for any dll.

Some of us are slow, but we do get there eventually (wherever "there" is).  I was re-reading the short essay by Carl on the REBOL web site about "REBOL overview for Scientists, Engineers, Professors, Programmers."  Had a couple "aha!" moments.  When I got to the end, I saw the comment, "Coming up, context, interpretation."  It looks like that follow-up essay is one of those things that never got done.  It would be nice to see it.  If anyone has access to Carl, you might mention it to see if he ever wants to visit that topic again.  I suppose that as time passes he becomes more detached from REBOL.

Ha ! it is kinda fiun to be a newbie again.  
I'm porting a r2 script to r3 and find all my hyphenated  (script) argument flags are missing
that is I get the word after the hyphenated flag but not the flag itself in system/script/args

i.e. with
> script.reb  -i this.file  -o that.file
I end up with  args being [ this.file that.file]  with no flags
is this expected behavior these days or something I have mangled myself?
this is on 64b linux  built a month or two ago
think I got it  
> script.reb --args "-i this.file -o that.file"

Is there a shorter, more generic way of doing this:
bl: ["a" "b" "c"]
ob: context [x: y: z: none]
ob/x: bl/1
ob/y: bl/2
ob/z: bl/3
on R3 ?
set ob bl

if ob has more set-words then ob it does not work :(
if ob has more set-words then items in bl it does not work :(
Marco, does the /PAD refinement to SET give you anything?

What doesn't work Marco?

Last message posted 191 weeks ago.