AltME: Syllable


can anyone see if this link to the VM works? It's hosted on SkyDrive
It wants cookies and it says it will then use my Live ID, which I don't have
I'm not sure if the link allows you to download the file, or only to view it on SkyDrive
haven't used SkyDrive so I don't know my way around sharing stuff
Weren't you going to put it on
they have a 100 MB file limit - dumb
at least for the free account
Yeah, I saw that. Wouldn't be of much use to us then, either
Putting it on a Windows site where you need to log in would offend a large part of our audience
sure, I'm hoping you don't need to - did you try and it asked for creds?
there's different kinds of sharing - so I'm just trying them out
I'd have to give it cookies first to find out for sure. Don't want to do that, either
This is the kind of trouble we get when taking extra infrastructure onboard
let me see if I can find some place like depositfiles - though the free downloads usually involve a countdown timer
dropbox is good for just giving a link with no hassle, but I only have 7 gb there and most is used up
That all sucks. This is why we're using S3. All under our control
they don't have the 100 mb limit like box does, though
how large is the image?
about 140 MB
I tried it on anothe computer and it seems you do need to sign in - I thnk I left this checkbox checked to allow editing the file, though - maybe that's why

Last message posted 437 weeks ago.