AltME: Syllable


I have Google Drive?
Yeah, but this is a big file, and it's going to be downloaded many times
yeah, google drive is part of  google docs - they've sort of unified everything
I don't use Google Docs
I wouldn't worry - never saw them specify limits on Docs fies
that was free too for individual use
you have google docs too, if you had gmail
well, you might need to register, actually - but there's no cost
The hosting is not the point, though. I can host files, but if it's an official Syllable release, I should have done all the quality control and it should be in all the usual places, such as SourceForge. If it's a contribution, the hosting should also be contributed to make that clear, and I can just link to it
I'll publish your link one of these days. Can I use your name to credit you?
up to you - if you need it to idemnify yourself, go ahead - personally, I don't need to see a credit with the link
I'm curious - how much traffic do you get from the image downloads?
Not for indemnification, just for credit. It's a volunteer project, after all
Syllable versions have been downloaded several ten thousand times per version. If a version is current for a long time, the VM image could be downloaded twenty thousand times, for example

so the user base is significant?
Depends if you consider that significant :-)
sure, if it's that many individual downloads per version, that's quite a good number
judging by the forum traffic I would've guessed less
It's likely that people actually use or at least try the VM and live CD. The installer is downloaded about equally often as the live CD, and there it's doubtful that many of them lead to used installations
So it's a bit of a mystery. The forum indeed doesn't reflect it, but there also other reasons for that. It's been hard to register there for years, because we've had to block most common mail domains due to spam
It's also likely that Syllable is used most in places where people wouldn't easily come forward on an English forum

Last message posted 437 weeks ago.