
it uses the INCLUDE-CTX/PATH search path variable, where the first found first served approach is used. Also, you can adjust your path at any time, which is being done by some scripts to "shrink" the search area
...and you can alway just write: INCLUDE-CTX/PATH: [%.] which uses only the current directory for search
I would like to see INCLUDE be standard, perhaps with a refinment on DO (or just have it work that way by default), simply because INCLUDE doesn't imply execution the way DO does.
Gregg: I use the same workflow for my REBOL work since 10's uneasy to change that, unless I can convince myself that the gains are worth the effort of changing the habits. :-)
Well, Gregg mentioned that he would not want to give up on INCLUDE because it saves time in a significant way
I'm the same way. It took me a while to transition to INCLUDE, but I'm glad I did.
Ladislav, last question: do you think it is possible (and desirable) to easily build INCLUDE features in R3 in a transparent way for the user? I mean that for example DO would intrinsicly use INCLUDE when having to access a file.
How much benefit you see will depend on what you're building, too. My two main needs are apps that need to be encapped (often with different features whether for local use or as a rich 'net app), and scripts that comprise elements in larger systems, where there are common infrastructure elements and libraries, but scripts are run dynamically.
I think so, but I could be wrong. :-)
Put another way, is there a reason it couldn't?
In that scenario, I would think about how it would work in the wild, with resources made available on the 'net. An elegant integration of modules, INCLUDE, and public libraries would be a dream come true.
I guess we could also overload DO in R2 to make INCLUDE usage almost transparent.
Of course.
"Ladislav, last question: do you think it is possible (and desirable) to easily build INCLUDE features in R3 in a transparent way for the user? I mean that for example DO would intrinsicly use INCLUDE when having to access a file." - yes, that is possible.
Ladislav "that is not a problem, why there is any problem in using rebol -s %incl instead of rebol -s?"
This would have to be escaped for DOS
I wonder why nobody did it yet then (overloading DO in R2 to add INCLUDE capabilities).
Also, Doc, as far as hot keys from your editor, I do that too. And while it did take a change, I am now used to having a build script as an open file for a project, so I can exec that from the editor easily. Not perfect, but better than nothing.
hmm, I did not need to do it, INCLUDE %timblk.r is still much shorter than DO %/e/Ladislav/REBOL/timblk.r
Gregg: did you find it annoying when working on small script that do not need INCLUDE features, or it is not a problem at all?
There are a number of things I don't do in R2 simply to make it easier for others to use code I may post. Making it clear that INCLUDE is used is easier than "overload DO, and if you've changed DO yourself...)". I just say "Use INCLUDE. If you have a problem, tell Ladislav". :-)
It is a mental shift, and I still have some very small scripts that don't use it. Those are almost gone, because I almost always want library functions at some point, and I don't care about loading extra stuff locally.

Last message posted 138 weeks ago.