AltME: Liquid


Would like to know how to connect multiple plugs, like have a target plug, that sets a day and time, and the schedule plugs contain the data for all of the days/times
multiple types of plugs
Re: ealier question about complete slim:   Just say:

just say => just saw
Maxim, I think I need a little help with a paradigm shift with making my code more efficient.   I rewrote the above schedule.r here:
However, I see some kind of race condition (with all the other plugs, where even if the variable FREE? is false, it still does the code in the if FREE? [do stuff] conditional.    If that particular value in any of the plugs is set to true, it causes it to be true for all of them
hi guys, sorry was out for the week-end.   :-)
Doc, GLayout was pretty ordinary stuff basically just a big layer over VID.
in, Glass links between a few plugs creates the algorythm which keep scrolling and face offset in sync.  this is one of the most advanced setups in Glass because there are 3 values in sycn through a bridge plug.  basically, you have pixel offset/range of the faces, pixel offset/range of the scroll bar and value offset from the scrollbar.   Its all done within the scrollface group style.
Josh, wrt distribution, there is that project ( ) which basically allows you to get all of the sub repositories, but that might be removed at some point because you still need to know how to get all the sub libs and its a pain through Git.
in my next release push (which I'm working on right now) I will fill up a new repository with a throve of tools and stuff, one of which is a script to Get and update all slim libraries from Git, all you need is a version of Git installed and available from CALL .
Arnold, to search for my stuff, write REBOL as the first keyword and then the project you want (ex: "REBOL GLASS") ... in general its pretty on-topic.
note that the releases I am going to be doing in the next few weeks should help all of you get to grips with my complete framework, which includes A LOT of tasty code to build apps which more polish in very few steps.
john, I'm giving a little look at your schedule example...
(oops, I meant josh... hehehe)
Thank you for checking into it.
so, gone over it and found the issue in you code.... it's not related to liquid.  the idea is that the data you give is not what you expect.  
in your table, true and false are words... not logic! values.   So, either you use #[true] #[false]  or you reduce the block before searching within.
btw, I'm having fun re-writing it quickly.
Sweet, thank you.  Not sure I fully grok it, but I'll keep an eye for that in the future.   Love to see your version
I think I got ya:
>> if true [print 2]
>> if false [print 2]
== none
>> b: 3
== 3
>> b: [3 true]
== [3 true]
>> if (second b) [print 1]
>> c: [3 false]
== [3 false]
>> if (second c) [print 1]
>> if (do second c) [print 1]
== none
>> if (do second b) [print 1]
The difference is not so much DO, but BIND

c: [3 false]  ; this should
c: reduce [3 false]  ; to get desired result
Endo yes, that is the prefered method.

Last message posted 314 weeks ago.