AltME: Databases


I need help with %mysql-protocol.r v1.3.0.
I use it nicely with a mysql 5.5.49.
But I tried to use it with a mysql 5.5.53 server (on a different machine), and I get an error at the opening of the port! :
REBOL/Core (23-Jan-2016)
Copyright 2016 REBOL Technologies
REBOL is a Trademark of REBOL Technologies
All rights reserved.
Finger protocol loaded
Whois protocol loaded
Daytime protocol loaded
SMTP protocol loaded
ESMTP protocol loaded
POP protocol loaded
IMAP protocol loaded
HTTP protocol loaded
FTP protocol loaded
NNTP protocol loaded
>> do %mysql-protocol.r
Script: "MySQL Protocol" (3-Dec-2008)
MySQL protocol loaded
>> trace/net on
>> open mysql://user:1Cuqb!40@localhost/adgo-cmde
URL Parse: user 1Cuqb!40 localhost none none adgo-cmde
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "MySQL"]
connecting to: localhost
Net-log: "low level read of 4 bytes"
Net-log: "low level read of 66 bytes"
** Script Error: find expected series argument of type: series object port bitset
** Where: read-packet
** Near: parse/all next pl/buffer case [
    find pl/capabilities 'protocol-41 [
            read-int (pl/error-code: i...
Hmm, I use mysql-protocol a lot, and I've never seen that type of error before.

Never seen that error before. Might be caused by a change in the protocol, so that pl/capabilities is not decoded properly anymore.
Same with a probe of the binary data readed form the mysql server at handshake :
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "MySQL"]
connecting to: localhost
Net-log: "low level read of 4 bytes"
Net-log: "low level read of 66 bytes"
** Script Error: find expected series argument of type: series object port bitset
** Where: read-packet
** Near: parse/all next pl/buffer case [
    find pl/capabilities 'protocol-41 [
            read-int (pl/error-code: i...
(note: first probe is the header, so the length of the packet, second probe is the data).
>> probe as-string #{
{    FF6A04486F737420273132372E302E302E3127206973206E6F7420616C6C6F77
{    656420746F20636F6E6E65637420746F2074686973204D7953514C2073657276
{    6572
{    }
{ÿj^DHost '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server}
== {ÿj^DHost '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server}
Easier when you know you can do that :-)
Thanks, need to investigate that now.
OK, I changed the 'locals-class object! prototype to have an empty block for 'capabilities, and know I get :
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "MySQL"]
connecting to: localhost
Net-log: "low level read of 4 bytes"
Net-log: "low level read of 66 bytes"
** User Error: ERROR 1130 : Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
** Near: p: open mysql://user:1Cuqb!40@localhost/adgo-cmde
Looks better.
I don't know if it need to be corrected in your protocol implementation. Sure there is something that do not goes as expected if the 'capabilities word is not set to a block! at this time.
I just pushed my MySQL and Pgsql drivers on Github, feel free to post PRs for fixes/improvements:
PR done :-)
Now, any idea about the problem ? Because the "user" user is the one used by phpMyAdmin to manage the DB and it works form there !
I haven't touch MySQL since 7 years. From what I remember, it has to do with the access permissions table (`user` and `host` tables?).
Seems to. Maybe related to this :
"Combine dlo's answer with Darren Chamberlain's. The reason for this is that the special meaning that 'localhost' has in MySQL is that it signifies to use the local unix socket (mysql.sock) vs the TCP socket. This is why specifying as the host will get you in so that you can fix the situation; it signifies to the MySQL client to use the TCP socket."

Last message posted 350 weeks ago.