AltME: Web


"Is Nginx obsolete now that we have Amazon CloudFront?"

Don't quite understand what is going on here .. have to read the cloud front docs
Can you trust the cloud? Not in the sense of reliability.
I trust the clouddate being watched over, and more I trust it a 100% being watched or even analysed.
Some things I just take as is without proof, like the earth to be a flat disc ;)
Yes, it's obvius. Frankly it depends on what data you want to "share". I like google documents for storing files to edit when I travel ,not very important documents. For example: if you would plan a kamikaze attack or write a personal diary on your sexual orientation, I didn't suggest you to use google documents.

It seems to me that under Red, one marvelous tool which could be created would be similar this new one - which I just discovered ... at least with my not too long vision  - based on the Cheyenne HTTP server, it seems it could be realized using a similar approach, to begin with ...   - Also available on Github for those interested to look at the code (may be Topaz friends - sinc it is base entirely on Javascript).
Could not JS everywhere someday be replaced by Red everywhere - or some derived fork ?
Yes; they have a good model, but it's all ugly web technologies

I agree but what else could be used - something built aroud the JVM - may be ? It must be a bit like Carl's REBOL based vision, isn't it ? Entirely self contained to be deployed anywhere but written once ...
Now it could be Red based instead ;-)
Yes, all true. I've long been working on a system with roughly that model, but we only use it internally so far
Nice, do you use some GUI for the output, kind of VId I suppose ?
Or do you send the output to some esternal receiver using messages  protocols ?
But then how do you catch the input if it not already part of your own system ?
It's a web system currently, but it's prepared to support other platforms. My Try REBOL site is made with it
REBOL 2 is no use to me because it would never run on Syllable, and REBOL 3 still only has a GUI for Windows and Amiga, so it hasn't been useful for me to make a VID frontend

(from #Red) - Arnold, which version of Make Doc are you using? I've many iterations of MD that I've hacked away at over the years, perhaps I'll have something that will be easier to hack?  Most recent version I put together for the 'Notes For the Road' site, has some nice features - currently hacking at it again for a more ambitious QM project...

Chris, I am stil figuring this out. I want bold/italic/(underline)/(em) paragrapphs separated with a blank line (easier to understand and no need to delete a routinely typed 'return'-key) h1/h2/h3 img (inline/left right center aligned) and a-href, only 1 level of bullits, and I think I can come along without numbered sections. I was thinking about mark-up delimiters on the beginning of the line like === ==+ ==- ==* ==#   I kind of liked \note and /note or /code but everybody will forget if the first one will be fore or backslashed so I guess the indented version to produce code. Plus I want the markup to be from a css file. No need to make this within the script because the template/and a script can take care of where and which to link to. That's about it.
Doesn't sound too onerous - I'd say most of the changes could be made to the parser, then tweak the emitter to get the output you want. Do you have a sample document? Is this the version you're using? -
(or tried?)
This is a new version to me. I was still busy figuring out most of the used parses.

Last message posted 126 weeks ago.