AltME: Liquid


Max, I had an incorrect variable name (I had changed it from a previous version)  I got no error at all, only the vin output and nothing after that (it hung).  Is there a way to still have it still output errors such as that?
It was the last line of the script, I had CONTENT AVAILABLE-PLUG ; instead of CONTENT AVAILABILITY
It took me about 15 minutes to figure that out instead of half a second because of the lack of reporting
vprinting doesn't play with error raising.
"doesn't play with" -> Does that mean does not affect?
yep.  only fluid plays with error reporting when it creates plug types on the fly.
Let me make a case example and send it to you before I say anything else :)

updated fluid on github.

I just did a 5 minute demo of fluid to a non programmer and she understood everything she saw almost instantly...
I showed her sample direct liquid coding and the first line she saw already screwed up her sanity... so I think fluid is going to be quite a big deal   :-)
I just did a 5 minute demo of fluid to a non programmer and she understood everything she saw almost instantly...
I showed her sample direct liquid coding and the first line she saw already screwed up her sanity... so I think fluid is going to be quite a big deal   :-)

Fluid Dialect had a big update on friday and I updated the Unit testing script on Steel today.

just released a big revision of Fluid.   it can now remodel any plug and can share plugs between two contexts, such that modifying plugs in the flow, will ALSO modify plugs in the source context they where taken from.   this allows us to use flow directly within glass, and even merge the aspects, materials of several controls into one pool and do linking between them.
this makes it much easier (though slower) to build layout graphs, for example.
slower in that the the flow fluid dialect does add a big overhead to liquid manipulation, (it adds a lot of error checks, builds temporary datasets and automated house cleaning).
arghhh   "the the flow fluid "   ==  "the fluid"
I will probably build a fluid compiler, which returns a block of raw liquid commands that you can use directly in place of your fluid block, once it does what it should.

Maxim, I see you mention a port to Red. Just wondering how that process was....
Also, are you planning a port of glass?

hi alan, yes on both accounts.  My team and I are currently preparing the project.

Last message posted 314 weeks ago.